Olga Kuzmina, New Economic School Olga Kuzmina

Olga Kuzmina, New Economic School

Olga Kuzmina,
Associate Professor of Finance, NES
Research Fellow, CEPR

Curriculum Vitae
Google Scholar
ORCID: 0000-0001-8538-7512
Scopus AuthorID: 57202309194

Contact information
New Economic School
3 Nobel Street, Skolkovo
Moscow 121205 Russia

Email: okuzmina{@}nes.ru
Phone: +7 (9O3) 742 9917
Olga Kuzmina is an Associate Professor of Finance with tenure at the New Economic School (Moscow) and a Research Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (London). She received her PhD in Finance from Columbia University, Graduate School of Business, in 2012, and has spent the 2019-2020 year on sabbatical at the LSE Finance Department. Her research interests include empirical corporate finance, broadly defined, with a particular interest in the interactions between corporate finance, labor economics, and international economics, and a focus on identification and applied methods. She has published her work in the American Economic Review, Management Science, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, and other journals, and presented it at various conferences, including the AFA, EFA, AEA, FIRS, CEPR/Gerzensee, CSEF Finance and Labor conference, Paris Finance meeting, FMA Europe, etc. She has received the Best Young Researcher Paper Award from IFABS and Runner-Up Paper Award at the 8th EFiC Conference in Banking and Corporate Finance. She is a former Associate Editor of the Journal of Corporate Finance, and was a Research Advisory Board member of the Central Bank of Russia prior to 2022.

Main publications
Innovation and foreign ownership (with M. Guadalupe and C. Thomas),
      American Economic Review, 2012, 102 (7): 3594-3627

      Media and policy coverage: VoxEU, Vedomosti
      730 citations in Google Scholar

Foreign direct investment and governance quality in Russia (with N. Volchkova and T. Zueva),
      Journal of Comparative Economics (Special Issue: New Directions for Research on Transition Economies), 2014, 42 (4): 874-891

      Media and policy coverage: FREE Policy Briefs
      110 citations in Google Scholar

Operational and financial hedging: Evidence from export and import behavior (with O. Kuznetsova),
      Journal of Corporate Finance, 2018, 48 (1): 109-121

      Media and policy coverage: FREE Policy Briefs
      40 citations in Google Scholar

A model-free identification of relative risk,
      Economics Letters, 2020, 190: 109078

      3 citations in Google Scholar

Does secrecy signal skill? Own-investor secrecy and hedge fund performance (with S. Gorovyy and P. Kelly),
      Journal of Banking and Finance, 2021, 133: 106288

      Media and policy coverage: Institutional Investor, RBC, FREE Policy Briefs
      3 citations in Google Scholar

Employment flexibility and capital structure: Evidence from a natural experiment
      Management Science, 2023, 69 (9): 4992-5017 [Featured Article - September 2023]

      Best Young Researcher Paper Award, International Finance and Banking Society, 2012
      Media and policy coverage: FREE Policy Briefs, FEDEA Nada es Gratis, GURU Podcast, MS Review
      65 citations in Google Scholar

Working papers
A Novel Approach to Studying Percentage Quota Effects: Application to Gender Quotas in Corporate Boards (with V. Melentyeva), submitted
      (an earlier version of the paper circulated under the title "Gender diversity in corporate boards: Evidence from quota-implied discontinuities"
      CEPR Gerzensee 2023, EFA 2021, Paris December Finance Meeting 2020, AEA 2020
      Runner-Up Paper Award, 8th EFiC Conference in Banking and Corporate Finance, 2024
      Media coverage: ZEW, Forbes Russia, finanzen.net
      25 citations in Google Scholar

Other publications
Russian transparency and disclosure survey 2005: Continuing progress in transparency, but mainly among weaker disclosers (with J. Kochetygova, N. Popivshchy, O. Shvyrkov, D. Kazakov, A. Rozanova),
      Moscow: Standard & Poor's Governance Services, September 2005 (in Russian and in English).

      14 citations in Google Scholar

COVID-19 and gender equality in Russia,
      Economic Policy during COVID-19, April 2020 (in Russian).
      Media and policy coverage: Forbes Russia, FREE Policy Briefs

Reproducibility in Management Science (with M. Fisar, B. Greiner, C. Huber, E. Katok, A. Ozkes, and the Management Science Reproducibility Collaboration; as one of 733 members of the Management Science Reproducibility Collaboration listed as a coauthor),
      Management Science, 2024, 70 (3): 1343-2022

Anastasia, 2014
Anton, 2017

© Olga Kuzmina 2012-2024