Anatolyev, Stanislav and Anna Mikusheva (2022) "Factor models with many assets: strong factors, weak factors, and the two-pass procedure", Journal of Econometrics, vol. 229, issue 1, pp. 103-126
This paper re-examines the problem of estimating risk premia in unconditional linear factor pricing models. Typically, the data used in the empirical literature are characterized by weakness of some pricing factors, strong cross-sectional dependence in the errors, and (moderately) high cross-sectional dimensionality. Using an asymptotic framework where the number of assets/portfolios grows with the time span of the data while the risk exposures of weak factors are local-to-zero, we show that the conventional two-pass estimation procedure delivers inconsistent estimates of the risk premia. We propose a new estimation procedure based on sample-splitting instrumental variables regression. The proposed estimator of risk premia is robust to weak included factors and to the presence of strong unaccounted cross-sectional error dependence. We derive the many-asset weak factor asymptotic distribution of the proposed estimator, show how to construct its standard errors, verify its performance in simulations, and revisit some empirical studies.
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